When it’s obvious that goals can’t be met, don’t adjust goals.
Adjusting Action Steps – Confucius


Facta International BV is a Dutch company, established in 2007, that has always wanted to be known for being a responsible, ethical and transparent company in every region in which it operates.

Facta International BV supports freedom of speech and expression and strongly condemns any form of aggression, judgement and/or inequality based on religion, gender, race and/or sexual orientation.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct is based on the following international guidelines and principles:

  • Traditional Ethical Initiative (ETI)
  • Base Code
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
  • United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
  • International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Convention 182 concerning the Worst Forms of Child Labour and Convention 138

This Supplier Code applies to all suppliers, vendors and vendors who produce, trade, sell, lease and/or supply goods or services that enter Facta International’s supply chain and where such vendors and vendors have a direct business relationship with Facta International.

Human rights and social practices

Child protection and the fight against child labour
At Facta International BV, we attach great importance to the respect of children’s fundamental human rights. Providers are required to recognize and respect children’s rights, including but not limited to the right to education, the right to play, and the right to basic needs. Our commitment aligns with the International Labour Organization (ILO) definitions of the minimum age for hazardous employment and work, and we strive to adhere to the principles set out in the Principles on the Rights of the Child and Business.

In line with our commitment to ethical labour practices, suppliers must take proactive steps and implement measures to identify, prevent and address any potential issues related to child labour. This commitment extends beyond our immediate operations to cover any child labour concerns that may be caused, to which we have contributed, or to which we are linked through our business relationships. Respecting children’s rights and promoting ethical labour practices is non-negotiable in our pursuit of responsible and sustainable business conduct. No forced labor, debt bondage, and obligation

Fair wages
In the interests of fairness and competitiveness, the supplier is required to provide all employees with a salary in accordance with the relevant ILO wage conventions, taking into account the well-being of employees and their families. Wage structures should be developed on the basis of universal principles, guided by frameworks that reflect local market norms and values.

Hours of Work
Acknowledging the complexities associated with maintaining a work-life balance, the provider is expected to recognize the importance of the right to rest and leisure. Compliance with existing collective agreements regarding working hours and paid leave is mandatory for the supplier. Striving to ensure that all employees experience a balance in fulfilling company and personal obligations is a key goal. The supplier undertakes to adhere to the ILO conventions relating to working time and weekly rest.

Diversity & Inclusion, No Discrimination & Harassment
The promotion of diversity and inclusion, as well as the condemnation of any instances of discrimination and harassment, as well as inappropriate or disrespectful behavior, are expected from the supplier. This includes addressing physical and verbal violence and sexual harassment, both in the workplace and at any work-related event. The supplier is encouraged to proactively implement measures that promote equal opportunities for all employees, including those who are transient, temporary or seasonal, as well as those who work in a country other than their origin or nationality. Compliance with ILO conventions on discrimination and migration for employment is a requirement. The Supplier is obliged to take the necessary measures and implement measures to identify, prevent and mitigate any discrimination that may arise from its business relationships, whether directly caused, contributed to or is related.

Freedom of association and collective bargaining
The supplier undertakes to recognize the inherent right of its employees to freely form and join a union of their choice, as well as the right to participate in collective bargaining without fear of intimidation or retaliation. In order to foster a work environment that respects these rights, the supplier undertakes to oppose discriminatory behaviour related to union organisation, membership and activities. This includes areas such as job applications, training decisions, rewards, promotions, dismissals or transfers.
The supplier undertakes to comply with ILO conventions on freedom of association, collective bargaining and workers’ representation. In addition, the supplier will take the necessary measures and implement measures to identify, prevent and deal with any discriminatory practices in relation to trade union activities within its company.

Health & Safety
The supplier recognizes that the well-being of individuals is paramount within the company. In accordance with the ILO Convention on Health and Safety, the supplier undertakes to continue its efforts and implement appropriate measures and measures to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. This includes identifying and mitigating risks, performing preventive measures, evaluating their effectiveness, and pursuing continuous improvements.
In addition, the supplier aspires to cultivate a culture of sustainable health and safety within the organization, fostering an environment where the health and safety of all employees is a priority.

Environmental considerations and human rights
The supplier recognizes the intrinsic link between a safe, clean and sustainable environment and the realization of fundamental human rights. Aware that the protection of the environment is an integral part of maintaining and respecting human rights, the supplier is committed to preserving the ecosystem.
In line with this commitment, the supplier will actively work to protect the ecosystem, advocating for respect for land use, land rights, traditional culture and the livelihoods of local communities. Demonstrating responsible practices, the supplier will implement measures to safeguard the natural environment and ecosystem, recognizing this as a basis for the protection of land rights, traditional culture and the livelihoods of local communities.

Redress and Grievance Procedures
The supplier undertakes to implement appropriate measures to put in place an effective sanitation mechanism. This mechanism will ensure that any human rights concerns and issues within their supply chain can be addressed quickly and effectively. The supplier recognizes the importance of providing sanitation to uphold human rights principles throughout its supply chain.

Environmental Conservation

Commitment to Sustainable Sourcing
At Facta International BV, we are strongly committed to sustainable sourcing, recognising our responsibility to protect the environment and support the communities we engage with. We call on our suppliers in producing countries to join us in this process, respecting the highest standards of environmental and social responsibility.

Zero Deforestation
Our suppliers play a key role in preserving our planet’s vital ecosystems. We unequivocally demand that they take decisive action to prevent deforestation, peat exploitation and any negative impact on protected territories. Expansion into High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests, High Conservation Value (HCV) areas or legally protected areas is strictly prohibited. When embarking on new operations or expanding existing operations, suppliers must obtain all legal approvals, maintaining a transparent documentary record of their land use history.

Preservation of biodiversity
In the lush landscapes where cocoa is grown, biodiversity is a treasure we are committed to protecting. Our suppliers play a pivotal role in preserving biodiversity throughout their operations and supply chain. When establishing or expanding their operations, suppliers must proactively protect areas of high conservation value, promoting biodiversity. Transparent documentation of land use history is a testament to this commitment.

Air quality and reduced carbon footprint
We challenge our suppliers to adopt pioneering practices that minimize air emissions and preserve air quality. Reducing their carbon footprint is not just a demand but a fundamental obligation. Through meticulous assessment and reduction strategies, suppliers must provide concrete evidence of their carbon footprint upon request.

Water Management and Conservation
Water, a finite resource, demands our utmost respect. Suppliers are urged to take decisive action to minimize their impact on water, reduce consumption and preserve groundwater quality. It is imperative to have comprehensive documentation of water footprint assessments, in order to demonstrate a commitment to responsible water management.

Waste reduction and circular economy
Reducing waste is at the forefront of our sustainability agenda. Suppliers must adopt practices that minimize waste generation, promote circular economy principles, and reduce their waste footprint. This commitment echoes our commitment to leaving a positive impact on the environment.

Sustainable and chemical-free agriculture
Our stance against harmful chemicals is unwavering. Suppliers sourcing agricultural products need to take the lead in reducing the use of chemicals and fertilizers throughout the supply chain. Implementing sustainable practices and documenting chemicals management is a testament to our shared commitment to environmental health.

Soil Health and Regenerative Agriculture
Preserving soil quality is an integral part of sustainable agriculture. Suppliers should actively promote good agricultural practices, including composting, reuse of organic matter, and regenerative agriculture that improves soil biodiversity and carbon storage. Documenting soil management practices ensures transparency of our shared commitment to responsible agriculture.

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources
Energy consumption should be kept to a minimum and energy-saving strategies should be adopted. Suppliers are encouraged to use renewable sources and fuels, as well as fuel- efficient logistics operations. This commitment to energy efficiency is an essential step towards a sustainable future.

Advocating for animal welfare
Our suppliers must actively protect and respect animal welfare, continually striving to improve the mental and physical needs of animals. This commitment goes beyond ethical standards; It reflects a dedication to humane treatment throughout the supply chain.

Eco-friendly packaging
The packaging should reflect our commitment to the environment. Suppliers are encouraged to minimise environmental impact by adhering to eco-design principles, i.e. removing unnecessary packaging, selecting recycled materials and facilitating future reuse or recycling of packaging. Through sustainable packaging practices, we collectively contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

Supplier Transparancy and Sustainability

Traceability and data management
At Facta International BV, we believe in transparency and accountability throughout our supply chain. We call on our suppliers to actively engage in improving transparency and traceability within their operations. Suppliers must collect geographic coordinates of land plots where commodities are produced. Upon request, suppliers are required to provide traceability of every batch shipped for Facta International BV.

Management Systems for Sustainability
By taking a due diligence-based approach, suppliers are required to manage sustainability throughout their supply chain. This involves the implementation of robust management systems that include policies, objectives, and procedures. Suppliers are encouraged to conduct training sessions for their workers and employees, to ensure a complete understanding and consistent adherence to each pillar outlined in this Supplier Code. Documentary evidence demonstrating the implementation of these sustainability pillars should be readily available for inspection upon request. This commitment to transparency and sustainability is essential in our shared journey towards responsible and ethical business practices.

Risk Assessment: Commitment to compliance
At Facta International BV, we emphasize the importance of maintaining a high level of ethical conduct and compliance with our Supplier Code. We reserve the right to verify our suppliers’ compliance with the Code through a variety of means trough self-assessments questionnaires. In cases where we identify actions or conditions that contravene our Code, corrective action will be promptly requested from the supplier.
Our commitment to ethical business practices is unwavering and we reserve the right to terminate agreements with any supplier that fails to comply with this Code. This commitment serves as the basis for establishing a long-lasting and trusting business relationship.

Commitment to Continious Improvement and Ethical Reporting

Our commitment to ethical conduct extends beyond our immediate operations to our valued suppliers. We strongly encourage and expect our suppliers to continually enhance their performance in alignment with the principles outlined in this Code.

As part of our shared responsibility for maintaining the highest standards of integrity, suppliers are duty-bound to report any actual or suspected misconduct that involves or impacts our company. This obligation extends to violations of this Code or applicable laws, whether committed by our suppliers or our associates. Reporting such concerns is instrumental in proactively addressing issues and preserving the integrity of our business relationships.

Suppliers are provided with accessible reporting resources through Facta International BV including:
Reaching our sustainability responsible:
Company Website:

This commitment to continuous improvement and ethical reporting underscores our dedication to fostering a transparent and responsible business environment.